in the air
in the air

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages with altered text. Pamphlet Stitch binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.75 inches / 30 pages. Source: Dot, Dot, Dot magazine, issue #9 // 2022

in the air
in the air

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages with altered text. Pamphlet Stitch binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.75 inches / 30 pages. Source: Dot, Dot, Dot magazine, issue #9 // 2022

in the air spread
in the air spread

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages with altered text. Pamphlet Stitch binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.75 inches / 30 pages. Source: Dot, Dot, Dot magazine, issue #9 // 2022

in the air
in the air

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages with altered text. Pamphlet Stitch binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.75 inches / 30 pages. Source: Dot, Dot, Dot magazine, issue #9 // 2022


Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, die-cut pages. Single sheet of paper, four-section binding.
Dimensions : 12 x 9 inches / 8 pages. Source: Mohawk Paper Sample–Beauty Poster // 2021


Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, die-cut pages. Single sheet of paper, four-section binding.
Dimensions : 12 x 9 inches / 8 pages. Source: Mohawk Paper Sample–Beauty Poster // 2021

Interplay backcover
Interplay backcover

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, die-cut pages. Single sheet of paper, four-section binding.
Dimensions : 12 x 9 inches / 8 pages. Source: Mohawk Paper Sample–Beauty Poster // 2021


Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, die-cut pages. Single sheet of paper, four-section binding.
Dimensions : 12 x 9 inches / 8 pages. Source: Mohawk Paper Sample–Beauty Poster // 2021

Light / Darkness
Light / Darkness

Collaged artist book using found and hand painted ephemera. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.625 inches / 20 pages // 2021

Light / Darkness
Light / Darkness

Collaged artist book using found and hand painted ephemera. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.625 inches / 20 pages // 2021

Light / Darkness spread
Light / Darkness spread

Collaged artist book using found and hand painted ephemera. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.625 inches / 20 pages // 2021

Light / Darkness
Light / Darkness

Collaged artist book using found and hand painted ephemera. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.625 inches / 20 pages // 2021


Collaged artist books using found ephemera with short, folded pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding. // 2021


Collaged artist books using found ephemera with short, folded pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.5 x 6 inches / 32 pages// 2021

JAZZ Interior
JAZZ Interior

Collaged artist books using found ephemera with short, folded pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.5 x 6 inches / 32 pages// 2021

JAZZ spread
JAZZ spread

Collaged artist books using found ephemera with short, folded pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.5 x 6 inches / 32 pages// 2021


Collaged artist books using found ephemera with short, folded pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.1875 x 6 inches / 36 pages // 2021


Collaged artist books using found ephemera with short, folded pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.1875 x 6 inches / 36 pages // 2021

Begin Participation
Begin Participation

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, hand punched pages with diecuts. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 7.75 x 5.375 inches / 28 pages.
Source: Mohawk Paper Sample. // 2020

Begin Participation
Begin Participation

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, hand punched pages with diecuts. Pamphlet Stitch Binding. Dimensions : 7.75 x 5.375 inches / 28 pages. Source: Mohawk Paper Sample. // 2020

Begin Participation spread
Begin Participation spread

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, hand punched pages with diecuts. Pamphlet Stitch Binding. Dimensions : 7.75 x 5.375 inches / 28 pages. Source: Mohawk Paper Sample. // 2020

Begin Participation
Begin Participation

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, hand punched pages with diecuts. Pamphlet Stitch Binding. Dimensions : 7.75 x 5.375 inches / 28 pages. Source: Mohawk Paper Sample. // 2020


Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding
Dimensions : 6.875 x 4.5 inches / 20 pages
Source : DOT, DOT, DOT magazine, #9 // 2024

W(hole) spread
W(hole) spread

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages. Pamphlet Stitch BindingDimensions : 6.875 x 4.5 inches / 20 pagesSource : DOT, DOT, DOT magazine, #9 // 2024

W(hole) spread
W(hole) spread

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages. Pamphlet Stitch BindingDimensions : 6.875 x 4.5 inches / 20 pagesSource : DOT, DOT, DOT magazine, #9 // 2024


Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages. Pamphlet Stitch BindingDimensions : 6.875 x 4.5 inches / 20 pagesSource : DOT, DOT, DOT magazine, #9 // 2024

Collage A
Collage A

Collaged artist book using found and painted ephemera on Canson Mi-Teintes paper. Butterfly Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.25 x 5 inches / 30 pages // 2021

Collage A spine
Collage A spine

Collaged artist book using found and painted ephemera on Canson Mi-Teintes paper. Butterfly Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.25 x 5 inches / 30 pages // 2021

Collage A
Collage A

Collaged artist book using found and painted ephemera on Canson Mi-Teintes paper. Butterfly Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.25 x 5 inches / 30 pages // 2021

After the Void
After the Void

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 5.75 x 4.25 inches / 24 pages // 2021
Source : Mohawk Paper Sample.

After the Void spread
After the Void spread

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 5.75 x 4.25 inches / 24 pages // 2021
Source : Mohawk Paper Sample.

After the Void
After the Void

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 5.75 x 4.25 inches / 24 pages // 2021
Source : Mohawk Paper Sample.

Collage B
Collage B

Collaged artist book using found and painted ephemera on Canson Mi-Teintes paper with hand punched pages. Perfect Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 5 inches / 40 pages // 2021

Collage B
Collage B

Collaged artist book using found and painted ephemera on Canson Mi-Teintes paper with hand punched pages. Perfect Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 5 inches / 40 pages // 2021

Collage B spread
Collage B spread

Collaged artist book using found and painted ephemera on Canson Mi-Teintes paper with hand punched pages. Perfect Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 5 inches / 40 pages // 2021

Collage B spread
Collage B spread

Collaged artist book using found and painted ephemera on Canson Mi-Teintes paper with hand punched pages. Perfect Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 5 inches / 40 pages // 2021

Aspects of Color
Aspects of Color

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded pages, hand punched pages with die-cuts. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.25 x 4.25 inches / 22 pages // 2021
Source : Mohawk Paper Sample

Aspects of Color spread
Aspects of Color spread

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded pages, hand punched pages with die-cuts. Pamphlet Stitch Binding. Dimensions : 6.25 x 4.25 inches / 22 pages // 2021Source : Mohawk Paper Sample

Aspects of Color
Aspects of Color

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded pages, hand punched pages with die-cuts. Pamphlet Stitch Binding. Dimensions : 6.25 x 4.25 inches / 22 pages // 2021Source : Mohawk Paper Sample


Collaged artist book using found ephemera with folded, die-cut pages that are hand punched. Single sheet of paper, four-section binding.
Dimensions : 5.1875 x 3.625 inches / 8 pages // 2021
Source : Blu Dot catalog


Collaged artist book using found ephemera with folded, die-cut pages that are hand punched. Single sheet of paper, four-section binding. Dimensions : 5.1875 x 3.625 inches / 8 pages // 2021
Source : Blu Dot catalog

Visual Kinetics
Visual Kinetics

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded pages and a single die-cut. Pamphlet Stitch binding.
Dimensions : 3.25 x 2.75 inches / 24 pages // 2020
Source : Bare magazine

Visual Kinetics
Visual Kinetics

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded pages and a single die-cut. Pamphlet Stitch binding.
Dimensions : 3.25 x 2.75 inches / 24 pages // 2020
Source : Bare magazine

in the air
in the air
in the air spread
in the air
Interplay backcover
Light / Darkness
Light / Darkness
Light / Darkness spread
Light / Darkness
JAZZ Interior
JAZZ spread
Begin Participation
Begin Participation
Begin Participation spread
Begin Participation
W(hole) spread
W(hole) spread
Collage A
Collage A spine
Collage A
After the Void
After the Void spread
After the Void
Collage B
Collage B
Collage B spread
Collage B spread
Aspects of Color
Aspects of Color spread
Aspects of Color
Visual Kinetics
Visual Kinetics
in the air

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages with altered text. Pamphlet Stitch binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.75 inches / 30 pages. Source: Dot, Dot, Dot magazine, issue #9 // 2022

in the air

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages with altered text. Pamphlet Stitch binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.75 inches / 30 pages. Source: Dot, Dot, Dot magazine, issue #9 // 2022

in the air spread

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages with altered text. Pamphlet Stitch binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.75 inches / 30 pages. Source: Dot, Dot, Dot magazine, issue #9 // 2022

in the air

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages with altered text. Pamphlet Stitch binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.75 inches / 30 pages. Source: Dot, Dot, Dot magazine, issue #9 // 2022


Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, die-cut pages. Single sheet of paper, four-section binding.
Dimensions : 12 x 9 inches / 8 pages. Source: Mohawk Paper Sample–Beauty Poster // 2021


Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, die-cut pages. Single sheet of paper, four-section binding.
Dimensions : 12 x 9 inches / 8 pages. Source: Mohawk Paper Sample–Beauty Poster // 2021

Interplay backcover

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, die-cut pages. Single sheet of paper, four-section binding.
Dimensions : 12 x 9 inches / 8 pages. Source: Mohawk Paper Sample–Beauty Poster // 2021


Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, die-cut pages. Single sheet of paper, four-section binding.
Dimensions : 12 x 9 inches / 8 pages. Source: Mohawk Paper Sample–Beauty Poster // 2021

Light / Darkness

Collaged artist book using found and hand painted ephemera. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.625 inches / 20 pages // 2021

Light / Darkness

Collaged artist book using found and hand painted ephemera. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.625 inches / 20 pages // 2021

Light / Darkness spread

Collaged artist book using found and hand painted ephemera. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.625 inches / 20 pages // 2021

Light / Darkness

Collaged artist book using found and hand painted ephemera. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 4.625 inches / 20 pages // 2021


Collaged artist books using found ephemera with short, folded pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding. // 2021


Collaged artist books using found ephemera with short, folded pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.5 x 6 inches / 32 pages// 2021

JAZZ Interior

Collaged artist books using found ephemera with short, folded pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.5 x 6 inches / 32 pages// 2021

JAZZ spread

Collaged artist books using found ephemera with short, folded pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.5 x 6 inches / 32 pages// 2021


Collaged artist books using found ephemera with short, folded pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.1875 x 6 inches / 36 pages // 2021


Collaged artist books using found ephemera with short, folded pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.1875 x 6 inches / 36 pages // 2021

Begin Participation

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, hand punched pages with diecuts. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 7.75 x 5.375 inches / 28 pages.
Source: Mohawk Paper Sample. // 2020

Begin Participation

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, hand punched pages with diecuts. Pamphlet Stitch Binding. Dimensions : 7.75 x 5.375 inches / 28 pages. Source: Mohawk Paper Sample. // 2020

Begin Participation spread

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, hand punched pages with diecuts. Pamphlet Stitch Binding. Dimensions : 7.75 x 5.375 inches / 28 pages. Source: Mohawk Paper Sample. // 2020

Begin Participation

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, hand punched pages with diecuts. Pamphlet Stitch Binding. Dimensions : 7.75 x 5.375 inches / 28 pages. Source: Mohawk Paper Sample. // 2020


Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding
Dimensions : 6.875 x 4.5 inches / 20 pages
Source : DOT, DOT, DOT magazine, #9 // 2024

W(hole) spread

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages. Pamphlet Stitch BindingDimensions : 6.875 x 4.5 inches / 20 pagesSource : DOT, DOT, DOT magazine, #9 // 2024

W(hole) spread

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages. Pamphlet Stitch BindingDimensions : 6.875 x 4.5 inches / 20 pagesSource : DOT, DOT, DOT magazine, #9 // 2024


Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages. Pamphlet Stitch BindingDimensions : 6.875 x 4.5 inches / 20 pagesSource : DOT, DOT, DOT magazine, #9 // 2024

Collage A

Collaged artist book using found and painted ephemera on Canson Mi-Teintes paper. Butterfly Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.25 x 5 inches / 30 pages // 2021

Collage A spine

Collaged artist book using found and painted ephemera on Canson Mi-Teintes paper. Butterfly Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.25 x 5 inches / 30 pages // 2021

Collage A

Collaged artist book using found and painted ephemera on Canson Mi-Teintes paper. Butterfly Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.25 x 5 inches / 30 pages // 2021

After the Void

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 5.75 x 4.25 inches / 24 pages // 2021
Source : Mohawk Paper Sample.

After the Void spread

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 5.75 x 4.25 inches / 24 pages // 2021
Source : Mohawk Paper Sample.

After the Void

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded, hand punched pages. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 5.75 x 4.25 inches / 24 pages // 2021
Source : Mohawk Paper Sample.

Collage B

Collaged artist book using found and painted ephemera on Canson Mi-Teintes paper with hand punched pages. Perfect Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 5 inches / 40 pages // 2021

Collage B

Collaged artist book using found and painted ephemera on Canson Mi-Teintes paper with hand punched pages. Perfect Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 5 inches / 40 pages // 2021

Collage B spread

Collaged artist book using found and painted ephemera on Canson Mi-Teintes paper with hand punched pages. Perfect Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 5 inches / 40 pages // 2021

Collage B spread

Collaged artist book using found and painted ephemera on Canson Mi-Teintes paper with hand punched pages. Perfect Binding.
Dimensions : 6.375 x 5 inches / 40 pages // 2021

Aspects of Color

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded pages, hand punched pages with die-cuts. Pamphlet Stitch Binding.
Dimensions : 6.25 x 4.25 inches / 22 pages // 2021
Source : Mohawk Paper Sample

Aspects of Color spread

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded pages, hand punched pages with die-cuts. Pamphlet Stitch Binding. Dimensions : 6.25 x 4.25 inches / 22 pages // 2021Source : Mohawk Paper Sample

Aspects of Color

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded pages, hand punched pages with die-cuts. Pamphlet Stitch Binding. Dimensions : 6.25 x 4.25 inches / 22 pages // 2021Source : Mohawk Paper Sample


Collaged artist book using found ephemera with folded, die-cut pages that are hand punched. Single sheet of paper, four-section binding.
Dimensions : 5.1875 x 3.625 inches / 8 pages // 2021
Source : Blu Dot catalog


Collaged artist book using found ephemera with folded, die-cut pages that are hand punched. Single sheet of paper, four-section binding. Dimensions : 5.1875 x 3.625 inches / 8 pages // 2021
Source : Blu Dot catalog

Visual Kinetics

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded pages and a single die-cut. Pamphlet Stitch binding.
Dimensions : 3.25 x 2.75 inches / 24 pages // 2020
Source : Bare magazine

Visual Kinetics

Collaged artist book using found ephemera with short, folded pages and a single die-cut. Pamphlet Stitch binding.
Dimensions : 3.25 x 2.75 inches / 24 pages // 2020
Source : Bare magazine

show thumbnails